If you truly want to become a travel agent, then you should be educated. The minimum requirement for transportation employment is a high school diploma. This informs employers that you can perform the basic duties that a travel agent does.
Unfortunately, it would be really hard to find an employer at a travel agency that will accept only a high school diploma for you education. There are many vocational schools, trade schools, and community colleges that offer travel programs that you can get certified as a travel agent through.
Another option is online schooling, where you can get the same education and certification in your own home, so you don't have to worry about a school being in your area.
Also, there are universities that have traveling courses that include geography, foreign language, and other classes that will give an aspiring travel agent an upper hand in job competition.
If you don't want to go to college to obtain a degree in traveling and tourism, then you can also learn from home. You can research common destinations, foreign cultures, languages, and more. Having this knowledge can definitely benefit your career in transportation jobs.
Travel agents often work with computers. So, brushing up on your computer and technology skills will look good on your resume.
Once you are educated and prepared, the next best thing to do is to get a job at a traveling agency. There are many of these agencies around the world, so finding one near you should not be a problem. In this position, you help clients plan their trips and earn commission for each customer.
You may not be hired for an agent position right on the spot, but experience in another position will look great on a resume, and promotions to the agent level should come.
Host agencies are also another great choice. By joining a host agency, you get to work from home on your own computer as a contractor or independent agent. When you get clients, you will most likely split the commission with the agency you work under.
While you may want to work for or under another company, you also might want to consider opening up your own agency. This takes a lot of patience because it can be a complicated process. This is not recommended for novice travel agents, having the proper experience first is very beneficial.
If you are planning on opening up your own agency, then a great tip is to get a degree in business. Having a business background can help you guide and maintain you company and employees to a successful future.
If you love to travel and want to work with and help other people, then you should consider transportation employment for your career path. With some education and experience, you can become a successful travel agent.