Technically a class B job means that you are an independent employee working under someone else. For example, a class B accounting job would have you working as an accountant with a senior accountant who has more experience. Most entry level jobs are classified as level B jobs. Many of these positions aren’t long term because once you have had several years of experience you are able to advance to a higher position in your chosen career field. Internships and job shadowing could technically be classified as a class B job and help you gain that needed experience for advancing in a career. Most job fields have entry level positions that allow you to get on the job experience without all the reasonability of the full position. Make sure when choosing a place of employment that this avenue of experience is kept in mind. Some career fields put more emphasis on experience than others. If it is at all possible to find a position with opportunities of entry level jobs with the potential for promotion into a higher level of office then definitely consider taking the position over others. There are probably more career fields with class B jobs available than you expected. Starting in the obvious transportation jobs and the not so obvious health care jobs or engineering jobs. Asking a local employment office about all the different kind of class B jobs and their qualifications will give you a better idea of what is available.
Before entering this job market you may want to ask yourself if this is a career you want to make into your profession. Most of these positions are designed to be temporary and give you a boost into a larger job market with more possibilities. If these types of jobs are something you are satisfied with then find one you enjoy and work hard at creating opportunities to expand. For example, if you enjoy the simplicity of truck driving and want to do that the rest of your life then you should explore all the different options within this field. They have recognition awards for outstanding performance and also have bonuses and higher pay grades for quality work.
When choosing a career it is hard to know if you will actually enjoy the work you’ll be doing. Some careers are hard to gauge because of the variance in the work itself. Every job has something that will be less than easy. However, knowing your limitations and your qualifications is important when choosing a career. If there are certain things you absolutely do not want to do in your career and some other things that you do want to do then it makes it easier to identify a career path. Explore the career world and find out what those likes and dislikes are before deciding on a field of work. Career counselors and word of mouth help you make those important decisions.
If you are looking for your first job after graduating college or a tech school a class B job would be perfect for you. If you are looking for a minimum requirement job with fair pay and a relaxed atmosphere these jobs would also be a good match. These jobs will help you gain experience and let you explore a career field with options of advancement. Most of these jobs are hands on and are less technical than many professional jobs. That can be appealing to many young college graduates who want to gain experience. Most of these jobs are easy to find and have fair pay with benefits. Don’t be afraid to talk to employment offices and career counselors when looking for any type of job. There is a job out there for every personality!