Automobile driving instructors teach people how to drive. They teach their students how to operate cars and help them learn good driving habits. Driving teachers help decide when a student is ready to take the state driving test. They often go along with their students to the test center. Driving instructors work in two kinds of schools: commercial driving schools open to the general public and public high schools that offer courses in driver education.
High schools do not usually require driver education. Instead, the students may choose to take the course. Those who do are usually either sophomores or juniors. The regular high school course offers 30 hours of classroom study. Among other things, students learn the state driving laws and parking regulations. They must also observe another driver for a total of 6 hours. Then the students themselves must practice driving for another 6 hours.
Driving instructors who teach in high schools often teach other subjects as well. In most schools the director is the only one who works full-time on the driving program. Assistant driving instructors sometimes hold adult driving classes in the evening.
Automobile driving instructors who teach in commercial driving schools generally work full-time. Their students are either adults or older teenagers. The usual course offers eight lessons that last for 1 hour each. Driving instructors generally pick their students up at their homes. They teach in cars that have two brake pedals, one for the student and the other for the instructor.
Instructors in both types of schools teach driving in the same way. Students first learn about the car's instrument panel. Then they learn the correct way to sit for driving and how to use different controls. If the car has a standard transmission, they learn to use the gears and clutch before they begin driving. On the road students learn to park, turn, brake, and stop.
Education and Training
In general, commercial driving instructors must have finished high school and be at least 21 years old. College training and courses in driver education are sometimes required. You must be an excellent driver and have a good driving record. You should also have good depth perception and good health. In most states, you must have a special license to be qualified to teach driving. The instructor must be able to get along with people, especially intense, on-the-road situations. New drivers may panic at the wheel. Instructors must be able to make decisions quickly and calmly. They must give instructions clearly.
High school driving instructors must have a college degree. They should also have taken several courses on safety education in college. Community and junior colleges also offer an associate degree in auto driving instruction. High school driving instructors must be certified by the state in driver education and fulfill other qualifications as well.
Some private driving schools charge a fee to those who are training to be instructors. Other schools do not charge tuition. Instead, the instructor trainee works free while learning to become a driving teacher. Some schools, however, do pay new instructors as soon as they gain state certification. Driving instructors who have completed their training do not receive full pay until they have given a few lessons.
Those who are training to be instructors must take courses in teaching methods. The trainee's own driving habits are closely watched. In addition, there are courses to help improve the trainee's driving. In most of these courses classroom study is a minimum of 30 hours long. On-the-job training follows, with a super-visor accompanying the trainee for the first few lessons.
The high school driver education instructor must be able to handle a car in a responsible and safe manner. The instructor must be able to understand the students' problems, help them improve their skills, and evaluate their progress. It is the responsibility of the instructor to plan a comprehensive driving course and teach it effectively.
Getting the Job
Openings in high school programs can be found through the local or state boards of education. Those who want to become commercial driving instructors should call local commercial schools. Colleges offering courses in driving instruction often help people find job openings. Local newspapers sometimes advertise positions as well.
Employment Outlook
Driving instructors who want to become the directors of commercial driving schools or high school driving programs need further education to advance. Commercial driving teachers should take business courses. High school instructors should take graduate-level safety education courses. A part-time high school instructor can move to full-time instructor and then to director. Some automobile driving instructors open schools of their own after several years. Instructors who want to open their own schools must have business training and some experience in administration.
The outlook for jobs for driving instructors is good. The increasing number of commercial schools will offer the better opportunities for instructors.
Working Conditions
The working conditions depend on the kind of school in which the instructor teaches. Driving instructors who teach in high schools follow the regular school schedule. Instructors in commercial schools arrange their own hours. Unlike high school instructors, commercial school instructors are not paid a straight salary. Earnings generally depend on the number of students a teacher has, so full schedules bring in the highest pay. Instructors face slack seasons in bad weather.
Steady nerves are a must for this job. Automobile driving instructors should en-joy working closely with people.
Earnings and Benefits
Salary depends in part on how the instructor is paid. Some commercial driving teachers work on a part-commission, part-salary basis. Others work only on commission. Most commercial instructors earn a percentage of what their students pay, so their earnings vary with the number of students. Currently, commercial driving teachers have earnings that range from $17,500 to $25,000 a year.
High school driving instructors are paid according to their school's salary range. The salary structure differs from school to school, depending on the location of the school and the job itself. At present the average annual salary for high school teachers is about $38,600.
The benefits for instructors in commercial driving schools vary according to the size, location, and policy of the company. High school driving instructors can expect paid vacations and holidays, health insurance plans, and pension plans.